What will happen to your business when you’ve passed away? Will your wife and children need to sell the business to obtain cash to pay estate taxes and liabilities? Will your heirs be able to navigate the relationships with your business partners? WIll your heirs know what to do with complicated business decisions?  As a small business owner, you may be able to use life insurance to help with an orderly, economical transition.

Super Telge Enterprise would be honored to help you prepare the selfless gift of life insurance for your business and loved ones. Please contact us to discuss your life insurance needs.

Protect your business and your heirs.

Buy/Sell Insurance

Planning for the loss of a business owner or partner with a buy sell agreement and insurance is crucial to ensuring the continuity of your business and protecting the financial interests of each co-owner’s family.

A buy sell agreement handles what will happen to the interests of an owner, partner or shareholder who passes away. If your company's buy sell agreement requires that the other owners or partners must purchase the deceased owner's interests, you can use life insurance to fund the buy sell agreement rather than personal funds or business assets.

Setting up a buy/sell policy will save your business partners and your heirs unnecessary stress and heartache in an already difficult time.

Key Man Insurance

Key man insurance, a.k.a. key employee insurance, protects the company or business in the case of an untimely death of a top salesperson, executive or business owner. Key man insurance provides peace of mind to business owners and shareholders alike knowing that the business can continue operations without major disruption in the event of the loss of a key employee.

Taking out a key person policy on your top employees also affirms their value to your business, strengthening relationships.

What does it cover?

Our friendly agents will walk you through the steps necessary to find the right policy for your needs. Let us help you make the right decision that's stress free.

Let's talk about the right policy for you.



