If you have company vehicles, you must have business auto insurance. No matter the use of your company autos, Super Telge Enterprise has the experience to find the coverage to keep your company protected from financial losses associated with auto accidents. Request a quote now.

Insure your company vehicles with the right policy

Bodily injury liability coverage
Pays for bodily injury or death resulting from an accident for which you are at fault and provides you with a legal defense.

Property damage liability coverage
Provides you with protection if your car accidentally damages another persons property. It also provides you with a legal defense.

Uninsured motorist coverage
Pays for your injuries and, in some circumstances, certain property damage caused by an uninsured or a hit-and-run driver. In some cases, underinsured motorist coverage is also included. This is for cases in which the at-fault driver has insufficient insurance.

Comprehensive physical damage coverage
Pays for damage to or replacement of your car from theft, vandalism, flood, fire, and other covered perils.

Collision coverage
Pays for damage to your car when it hits or is hit by another object.

What does it cover?

Our friendly agents will walk you through the steps necessary to find the right policy for your needs. Let us help you make the right decision that's stress free.

Let's talk about the right policy for you.



