It’s easy to be overwhelmed by auto insurance choices.  It’s also easy to buy a cheap policy only to find out too late that “cheap” can sometimes mean “too little coverage”.

Super Telge Enterprise makes shopping for and selecting the right auto insurance easy. We can help you find the right level of insurance at a rate perfect for your budget. Based in Sugar Land, Texas, our experienced staff of insurance professionals is just around the corner and ready to serve you. Request an auto quote now.

The right auto policy at the right price.

Liability (bodily injury and property damage)

Covers losses and damages you cause to others

If you damage vehicles or property, and are at fault, liability covers the damage that you cause. This coverage pays for things like medical and rehabilitative expenses, replacement services, and funeral expenses.

Comprehensive and collision

Covers damage to your car

Comprehensive coverage protects you from damages beyond your control (falling trees, hail, theft, fire, glass damage, etc.) Collision coverage protects against automobile accidents.

Uninsured/underinsured motorist

Covers your injuries and damages

This coverage pays if you are injured by a person who is completely uninsured or doesn't have enough liability Insurance to cover your injuries. It also covers you if you are in an accident with a hit-and-run driver.  It also pays for loss of income if you are injured in an auto accident and are unable to work.

Medical Payments

Covers your injuries

Pays for medical costs if you, your passengers, or your family members are injured in an accident (no matter who is driving) with no deductible.

What does it cover?

Our friendly agents will walk you through the steps necessary to find the right policy for your needs. Let us help you make the right decision that's stress free.

Let's talk about the right policy for you.



